Pedal and amp list

Current Pedals
Custom 4 in 1 Overdrive/Compressor
TC Electronic Sub n Up
Besbeco Weeper Wah (converted into switchable volume/expression pedal)
Empress Reverb
DMC.Micro MIDI switch
BOSS RC-3 (rehoused with second footswitch)
Fishman Aura Spectrum DI (Acoustic Pedal)
Cioks DC-5
Empress MIDI Box 2

Mesa/Boogie DC-5
Fender Tweed Pro Jr.
Trace Elliot TA-50 (acoustic amp)
Fender ’65 Deluxe Reverb Reissue
Fender Super Champ XD
Fender Blues Jr. with Billm mods
Two-Rock Jet 22 Head (sold very quickly)
Victory V40 Viscount Combo (current amp)

DIY Pedals
Custom 4 in 1 Overdrive/Compressor (Flip-Flop switching overdrive)
Custom 3 in 1 Overdrive/Compressor (Similar to Keeley Tone Workstation)
Custom 2 in 1 Overdrive/Compressor (Similar to Wampler Dual Fusion)
Custom Smaller Two-Rock Footswitch
Custom Neunaber ExP (x2)
Blues Jr. Footswitch (x2)
Mini Expression Pedal
Empress Tap/Hold footswitch

Previous Pedals
Digitech RP1
Alesis Volume Pedal
Alesis Nanoverb
Crybaby 535Q
Ayan Smooth n Slim (Twice)
Line6 POD (Twice!!!)
Marshall Blues Breaker
Crybaby Wah
Homemade Fuzzface Clone
Digitech RP100
Ernieball Stereo Volume Pedal/Pan
Little Lanilei Spring Reverb
Analog Man Stereo Chorus
Fishman Aura 16 (Acoustic Pedal)
Digitech iStomp
Fulltone Fulldrive 2
Maxon AD-80 Reissue
Fishbone Overdrive Special (Zendrive Clone)
TC Electronic Flashback Delay
Fulltone Fulldrive 3
Neunaber Slate v2 (Wet Reverb)
TC Electronic Alter Ego v2
Electro Harmonix Pitch Fork
TC Electronic Stereo Ditto Looper

Pedals owned for a short time just to try
Zoom MS-100BT
Behringer GDI-21
JOYO 6 Band Eq
JOYO Sweet Baby
Electro Harmonix Soul Food
Diago Little Smasher
EHX Caliber 22
Chase Bliss Gravitas
Line 6 Pocket POD
Korg Pandora Stomp
Nux Mod Core
TC Electronic Dark Matter (2 because one had a fault and was replace in warranty)
Carl Martin Headroom Real Spring Reverb
Line 6 HX Stomp

Fulltone Fulldrive 2 Circuits

I was looking into moving my Fulldrive 2 circuit into a smaller pedal enclosure (Hammond 1590BB) so that it took up less space on my pedal board. While I was looking into it, I realised that my Fulldrive 2 was one of the few pedals that could easily be moved into a smaller enclosure.

There seem to be 3 main variations:

fulldriveshortboard fulldrivelongboard fulldrivelongboard
Short circuit board – hand wired (early original edition) Long circuit board – hand wired (late original edition) Printed circuit board (MOSFET edition)

The really early Fulldrive 2s seem to have shipped in Hammond 1590BB enclosures:


Ikea Standing Desks

While I was at Onoko I did a standing desk for a while. While it was really good, I found doing it 100% gave be cramps in my legs. Now that I work at home a smaller desk (in additional to sit down desk) that would take up less room and also allow me to move it around the house or even to the garden to work! I had some GERTON legs so I got a £1 piece of wood from the bargain bin and built my own. There are lots of fancy options at Ikea Hackers, but here are the other ideas I looked at:

At a height of 105cm the BILSTA Bar table would make a perfect standing desk. Its also available as just the base so you can add your own top from a piece of wood the bargain bin or any of: TROFAST / INREDA / ALGOT / KOMPLEMENT / BILLY / BILLY / FJÄLKINGE / IVAR / EKBY LAIVA or even the top off a LACK coffee table
Another bar table that works is BJÖRKUDDEN. Its quite deep so do can fit too people with laptops facing each other.
Get the GERTON legs extendable up to 107cm:

Get any of the compatible desks, or a piece of wood from the bargain bin or one of the tops mentioned above.

There are also the BILLSTA desk legs, but they’re more expensive and less flexible in terms of tops.

Use one of the wall mounted leaf desks:

Select an item from the various wall shelves available. If you want something bigger, buy the sturdiest brackets and again get a piece of wood from the bargain bin or one of the tops mentioned above.

I hope that’s helpful. Sorry the links are to the UK store if you live somewhere else. I’m still wondering if I should eventually get a Cycle Desk!